Your question was: "What would an "A" rank show look like to you ?"
In a perfect world for me, Sony would announce a Bloodborne remaster and a sequel, a new Socom game, a Legend of Dragon Remake and Nioh 3.
But since I am not delusional, I would be happy with the release date announcement of the two Sony games I am most interested in this year.
Which they didn't, instead they showed a lot of stuff that I am not interested or already knew about.
For me that was bad show.
There's no formula for a perfect A rank show, since everybody thinks different. Many are extremely hyped for the new Housemarque game, which did nothing for me, since I don't like their games.
This is a fair and reasonable comment for the most part, but I disagree on there not being a formula because if you look at the comments you'll see some pretty consistent requests.
It seem pretty obvious that:
1. For some people, its all about the known legacy IP.
2. They want hard release dates.
3. They want gameplay not CG concept trailers.
4. Some are (strangely in my view) placing an especially high value on first party vs third party offerings.
5. Some demand all new content, e.g. previously shown or leaked announcements are devalued.
6. Maybe I'm wrong but the underlying sentiment seems to be that people want to be surprised, but by familiar franchises.
It wasn't a "trick" request on my part, I just thought it'd be nice to see if some sort of consensus view could be teased out.
I'm not going to be coy about this, in my opinion with a mentality like the above (as in based on a set of criteria like that) you are pretty much guaranteed to be disappointed Every. Single. Time.
Not because the individual points are in themselves outrageous or unreasonable, but it seems like the expectation is that the platform holder is supposed to trot out new iterations of
their big franchises for release in the near future, with extensive footage and clear release dates every time they put on a show.
Now I don't feel I need to explain why that's not going to happen, why the realities of modern game dev make it utterly impossible, what I would point out is what apparently isn't considered valuable.
New IP for instance doesn't seem high on the want list. unless of course its first party for some reason. When a new IP does appear its only viewed in a retrospective sort of way in the sense that its always compared to something superficially similar and preexisting - as if 50 years into games the area isn't fundamentally mapped out already.
No one seems to give a damn about smaller indie-games, what's demanded is big-time spectacle, even though the prevailing sentiment is that spectacle is now boring!
It really seems to me that these demands seem mired in a desire to recreate the past. Which ultimately just says that a lot of people are really fucking jaded at this point.