Avowed |OT| Is an oath worth the weight of a crown?

Looking at the statements from people here the game is better than the 80 score it got.
I still have to play the game i'm only 2 hours in.
I agree with most of the criticisms in the thread. the combat, visuals, world design and exploration is so overwhelming positive, it makes up for a lot of that

I'm just blown away that they managed to nail the foundations of a solid game. not to mention I've played since release and haven't encountered a single bug. almost everything else could literally be fixed with DLC down the road (adding a more interesting story, adding more enemy diversity, etc)

it is very exciting they got the gameplay portion down, in future titles they just need to worry about adding a better story, and perhaps more interactivity with the world (which again is an easy fix). then again, I'm not one who necessarily thinks its amazing you can pick up stuff that has no use like you can in Skyrim and some other games. but it might be nice to add for those who believe it adds to immersion

if you go into it seeing it as an action RPG, which is what it is, I think it is definitely one of the better one's I've played in a long, long time

edit: I should add that enemy diversity isn't an issue for me at all, but others have gotten farther in the game so I'm just taking them at their word
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Visual is the same regardless of the action you take, which was slightly disappointing.

I had the "negative" result and replayed an earlier save for the "positive" result.

Although to be fair where you meet the leaders changes.
I was thinking of going back to the cave and clearing it of the Steel Garrot. if you do this early on in the zone, does the city still burn?
Finished my first play through as a ranger with guns. Took around 44 hours. Will immediately start another play through as a melee asshole who sides with the Steel Garrote on everything.

I ended up getting enough mats to upgrade my armor and all three guns to legendary. Then found a better armor in The Garden. I’m still confused on XP and leveling… I have done all side quests except one of the first ones that is bugged, got all bounties and collectibles, explored a vast majority of every area, and I beat the game at level 29, like 600XP from max level. Then replayed the last section to make a different choice and get another achievement and I got max level during the last boss fight somehow. I think I got a “good” ending both times.

Was going to do the cooking achievement but I didn’t realize you need spoiled food for some of the recipes. I sold all of it that I found. I scoured every place I could think of and I am 1 spoiled food item short 😆😆🤡🤡


I was thinking of going back to the cave and clearing it of the Steel Garrot. if you do this early on in the zone, does the city still burn?

Yes, though not fully. The city has a leadership conflict that turns into a violent coup. So you come out and it's still on fire (from the coup/riots), but the city itself survives, unlike the Steel Garrote version where its completely razed.

Was going to do the cooking achievement but I didn’t realize you need spoiled food for some of the recipes. I sold all of it that I found. I scoured every place I could think of and I am 1 spoiled food item short

Like VHS Tapes says below, check all around the shantytown.

You might want to wait for the next patch though as the devs have confirmed that the cooking achievement is bugged and doesn't properly unlock after cooking all 43 recipes. It's a coin-toss on whether you'll get it to unlock or not. Also, those who have gotten it to pop have confirmed that you have to cook all 43 items in one sitting and can't leave the cooking menu in camp. They also mention something about making sure you have a bunch of Fiorian Rice so the game doesn't automatically use ingredients and screw you out of being able to finish one of them. You can find 4-5 bags of Fiorian rice in the Ranger outpost in western Emerald Stair.
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Mister Wolf

Finished my first play through as a ranger with guns. Took around 44 hours. Will immediately start another play through as a melee asshole who sides with the Steel Garrote on everything.

I ended up getting enough mats to upgrade my armor and all three guns to legendary. Then found a better armor in The Garden. I’m still confused on XP and leveling… I have done all side quests except one of the first ones that is bugged, got all bounties and collectibles, explored a vast majority of every area, and I beat the game at level 29, like 600XP from max level. Then replayed the last section to make a different choice and get another achievement and I got max level during the last boss fight somehow. I think I got a “good” ending both times.

Was going to do the cooking achievement but I didn’t realize you need spoiled food for some of the recipes. I sold all of it that I found. I scoured every place I could think of and I am 1 spoiled food item short 😆😆🤡🤡

Did you like the conclusion to the story?
Finished my first play through as a ranger with guns. Took around 44 hours. Will immediately start another play through as a melee asshole who sides with the Steel Garrote on everything.

I ended up getting enough mats to upgrade my armor and all three guns to legendary. Then found a better armor in The Garden. I’m still confused on XP and leveling… I have done all side quests except one of the first ones that is bugged, got all bounties and collectibles, explored a vast majority of every area, and I beat the game at level 29, like 600XP from max level. Then replayed the last section to make a different choice and get another achievement and I got max level during the last boss fight somehow. I think I got a “good” ending both times.

Was going to do the cooking achievement but I didn’t realize you need spoiled food for some of the recipes. I sold all of it that I found. I scoured every place I could think of and I am 1 spoiled food item short 😆😆🤡🤡
there's tons of spoiled food under the floor boards in shanty town, all over the city
there's tons of spoiled food under the floor boards in shanty town, all over the city

Yeah I found a new under there. But still need one more. I think I’ll just try it on my second play through since as someone else said, it’s glitchy and requires you to make it all at once. I think I’ll buy a lot more food from vendors next play through so I am not using food to heal as much.

Did you like the conclusion to the story?

Yeah I thought it wrapped up pretty well. I especially liked the personal journey with each companion through The Garden, really added more depth to each of them.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I think I played with the cooking stuff very very little, didn't really feel like the need came up. Maybe if I replay this on higher difficulties later.
Finally got second companion cause I decided to do a story quest.

It has suddenly made the game easier than I would like. Hopefully it gets bumped up in second area. Else will raise difficulty from menu.



Just reached the third area, and it looks pretty amazing to be fair.

I’ve spent many hours playing this already (35+). It’s a meaty game if you do everything and enjoy some exploration. But i have noticed there are not a lot of main missions per area so i suspect people can rush through the game quite quickly if they wanted.
I’ve spent many hours playing this already (35+). It’s a meaty game if you do everything and enjoy some exploration. But i have noticed there are not a lot of main missions per area so i suspect people can rush through the game quite quickly if they wanted.
IMO both Bethesda and Obsidian have this in common. There is no meaningful main mission.

People like to Harp about side quests in Witcher 3, I would like them to try something as old as Fallout 2 and lemme know where main mission is. Its all side content that feeds back into main critical path.


IMO both Bethesda and Obsidian have this in common. There is no meaningful main mission.

People like to Harp about side quests in Witcher 3, I would like them to try something as old as Fallout 2 and lemme know where main mission is. Its all side content that feeds back into main critical path.
I remember fallout 3 and its main storyline about water 😂. It’s like they deliberately went out and picked the most boring thing they could think of.

Great game though!
I remember fallout 3 and its main storyline about water 😂. It’s like they deliberately went out and picked the most boring thing they could think of.

Great game though!
BG3 is also like that.

Very simple main quest. Its all about side quests and exploration.

It does have much worse writing than Avowed though. Little to no nuance in characters.
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Gold Member
Man I hope they add soon the possibility to edit your character's appearance midgame. I didn't know that there were no helmets and I am not super happy with how my character look in certain situations

I dont understand why this is not included at launch tbh. The same shit happened with Baldurs Gate 3

Buggy Loop

Gold Member

Holy shit, I knew it saved any overhealing into a buffer but I didn't know you could stack it so high that you almost never have to heal for the rest of the game.

Oh My God Wow GIF by reactionseditor


Looks like I managed to save Fiori from the black garrotte attack in the second zone. I wasnt even trying but went into the waterfall dungeon after speaking with the ranger traitor close by and since she said the black garrotte was holed up in a nearby cave. I didnt know it was going to lead to the city being saved when I started doing the ranger quest. Now Ive sent the people of Fiori to Thirdborn and Im somehow regretting not sending them to Paradis instead. Too late, lets see.


Ive been using a food that gives a 750 stack, for boss fights and tough situations. I dont know if its a higher level food cos I got the food skill maxed out.
I haven’t even used buff food yet

I’ve been so stingy lol. Do the buffs last a decent amount of time?
Not sure - I very rarely use the +20% damage and +20% damage reduction one if there is a somewhat tough fight. Otherwise, I've mostly ignored them completely. But honestly even on max difficulty, there just isn't any need for it sadly. It really needs retooling.
Inquisitor Lodwyn is insane character. 😂

Was expecting her to be disappointing after the build up. But she lived up to her bad reputation. At least in introduction scene.


How and why are people plowing through this game so quickly?
Only doing main quests?
I’m closing in on 40 hours now and I’m in the second area, all bounty quests cleared but still have a handful of side quests to do.
The game is great!
James Franco GIF


This game is dope.
I downloaded it a while ago and couldn't get into it in the beginning. After finally spending a substantial amount of time in the first area, I've come to like it a lot.
It's snappy, offers a dense world, and the first-person combat is probably some of the best I've ever experienced.
I completed all the sidequests I could find and only now realized there is another part of Paradis (the "upper" area with the philosophers) - and I'm already about 12 hours in!

A couple of issues I see with how the game has been received:
  • People got really upset about the pronoun selection. I understand why. But in the game, this is totally inconsequential. This one is on Obsidian. They should not have put this in the first place in today's climate.
  • People comparing this with Bethesda games, probably because the game is first-person as well. This is not a Bethesda game and it's not trying to be one. People act like the game would be a massive hit if you could pick up every spoon and broom in the world. Obsidian could have made this point more clear. I'd rather have this than another shitty Bethesda game. Ironically, the best Bethesda-style game was made by Obsidian as well - Fallout New Vegas.

It's unfortunate that this game is not more of a hit. It truly deserves it.
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Gold Member
It has just dawned on me that almost everybody you speak to is a woman. Once you notice it, you can’t unsee it. Very disproportionate (unless there is some lore in that universe I am not privy to).

Yes its quite obvious and you know it wouldn't bother me if it wasn't because most women in the game are insufferable bitches with an attitude. It feels like I am talking to these purple hair nose ring feminists that have skipped her antidepressants for a few days and are having a meltdown


Gold Member
Hello papi, here you have the fix. Its a bit convoluted but it works

I got it working through dlss swapper. I just needed to use 3.10.1 instead of the latest one and it made a hell of a difference goddamn. Changed from quality to balanced and it still looks so much better and without the TAA blur in motion. Such a huge difference


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
How and why are people plowing through this game so quickly?
Only doing main quests?
I’m closing in on 40 hours now and I’m in the second area, all bounty quests cleared but still have a handful of side quests to do.
The game is great!

My time by the end was around 50~ hours, which itself was longer than I expected going in. I thought this was going to be a 20 something hour RPG like my first run(s) with Outer Worlds.
It has just dawned on me that almost everybody you speak to is a woman. Once you notice it, you can’t unsee it. Very disproportionate (unless there is some lore in that universe I am not privy to).
It levels out more as you go, but it's definitely there, especially in the early portions.


Western devs, sigh….
Seems like the devs are suddenly pulling strings to make Kai gay based on his personal quest in Emerald Stair with Tama. What’s that about?? It’s so out of character based on earlier chatter. I went with friend choices in the conversations but it was clear where they wanted things to go.
Western devs, sigh….
Seems like the devs are suddenly pulling strings to make Kai gay based on his personal quest in Emerald Stair with Tama. What’s that about?? It’s so out of character based on earlier chatter. I went with friend choices in the conversations but it was clear where they wanted things to go.
Yeah, it's very weird for him to say all the things he says and then stumble upon that IMO.


Yeah, it's very weird for him to say all the things he says and then stumble upon that IMO.
Breaks the whole character. It’s as if Kratos would start to flirt with Sindri. Very disappointing. I tried to block it as much as I could but don’t want to be a douche so they left it hanging. The quest isn’t over yet so we’ll see where they go with that.
Kai always came across as bi to me or more “whatever” like the alien in Paul. You can actually romance him whether you’re male or female.


This game is so addictive once you get through the first area.

There are a few poor design decisions, like every important character being female, the
abortion quest in the bath house,
or the pronouns.

However, the combat is excellent, the exploration, the parkour, the boss fights, and the story are great. I've already put 40 hours in and headed to the fourth area.


I agree with most of the criticisms in the thread. the combat, visuals, world design and exploration is so overwhelming positive, it makes up for a lot of that

I'm just blown away that they managed to nail the foundations of a solid game. not to mention I've played since release and haven't encountered a single bug. almost everything else could literally be fixed with DLC down the road (adding a more interesting story, adding more enemy diversity, etc)

it is very exciting they got the gameplay portion down, in future titles they just need to worry about adding a better story, and perhaps more interactivity with the world (which again is an easy fix). then again, I'm not one who necessarily thinks its amazing you can pick up stuff that has no use like you can in Skyrim and some other games. but it might be nice to add for those who believe it adds to immersion

if you go into it seeing it as an action RPG, which is what it is, I think it is definitely one of the better one's I've played in a long, long time

edit: I should add that enemy diversity isn't an issue for me at all, but others have gotten farther in the game so I'm just taking them at their word
I think its just a mismatch of expectation. Usually, Obsidian is known for deep, narrative and choice driven RPGs. Avowed is not that. Avowed, is more than competent if not getting towards the top of the class First Person Action RPG. Its just surprising.

They definitely have something to build on. But damn, they need to find their writing edge again.
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