Sorry but that's a naive take on things.
75k > Vita > Sep + Oct
75k > Vita > Sep + Oct
75k > Vita > Sep + Oct
75k > Vita > Sep + Oct
75k > Vita > Sep + Oct
I knew it was going to be terrible but I wasn't expecting sub-75K though.But we knew this would happen
People just need realize it's something new that exists. The name and poor marketing have crippled the system which otherwise is a good product.
75k > Vita > Sep + Oct
Honestly, I still wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo ended up not posting a loss for 2013. It returned to profitability for 2012, and people tend to ignore the effect of exchange rates on Nintendo's earnings, which is potentially as big as that of its actual sales.
No Zelda, No Mario
You know whose turn it is
The Wii U numbers are pathetically low.
This is Nintendo. They don't take losses. I am pretty confident that they are making a profit on every WiiU sold at $300.
So is not going to Plus because being a low tier seller.
75k > Vita > Sep + Oct
Oh man, I thought it would at least break 100K.75k > Vita > Sep + Oct
75k > Vita > Sep + Oct
Um have you heard of the Wii? That is complete dominance. The 360 held a solid middle ground while PS3 languished around trying to get its act together. PS3 has slowly closed the gap over a long period, you cant close a sales gap unless your console is selling better than 360. If it was being dominated by 360 the gap would be wider than when this gen started.
Besides who said the race had finished?
Dead dead and deader. Never try handhelds again Sony. At least the Wii U will keep it company.75k > Vita > Sep + Oct
Ah my beloved handheld Dreamcast.
Vita 2000 and Vita TV will save the PSV, right?
75k > Vita > Sep + Oct
I'd own a WiiU if it wasn't so dang much. $199 with a game would be ideal.
Perhaps it is.
At least Indie gaming exists.
The only thing that can save the Vita is someone cracking that thing wide open for pirates. Would be total shit for software makers but Sony would bring in the bucks for system sales much like PSP
The only thing that can save the Vita is someone cracking that thing wide open for pirates. Would be total shit for software makers but Sony would bring in the bucks for system sales much like PSP
That's for a great leader to decide. I think now is probably the biggest test for Iwata or for Nintendo's next leader. How can they lead Nintendo's home console business back into relevancy in terms of sales. I personally have no idea where they go.
Over 50k!
SmokeyDave lives!
where is 220k coming from, given that we didn't have a figure for october?
75k > Vita > Sep + Oct
I really don't count the Wii as it really was less of a games console and more of a toy. You might as well say that Symbian outsold the iPhone at that point, when in reality Symbian was only selling at the very, very low end and was really nothing compared to the iPhone. And I was meaning that halfway through last gen, around the time Kinect was released and J Allard left the PS3, like Samsung, got its shit together and started to rise a comparable level as that of its competition.
Over 50k!
SmokeyDave lives!
just give the vita bit more time you guys
I thought it was supposed to skyrocket since it goes so well with the PS4, something something remote play.
Oh well, i'll still be buying To-Love Ru next year.
Not unless there's a flood of must-have games and cheap memory cards.Vita 2000 and Vita TV will save the PSV, right?