This is what was asked of the PM immediately before his response (using the video translation since you're so keen on using grifters as sources):
"So, Prime Minister Ishiba, I'd like to ask you: With games, social media, and all that, when people disregard other cultures or cause tourism-related trouble, what's your view on it?"
to which he responds:
"I'd want to sit down with the Economy Ministry, Education Ministry, and Foreign Ministry to figure it out. But graffiti on shrines? That's completely out of line. It's that simple. To me, it's an insult to the country - plain and simple. That's where I stand."
I'll ELI5 for you since you seem a little lacking in comprehension:
The politician asking the question lumps together issues he has with the game in with real-life issues which Japan is facing in with shrine graffiti, under a broader umbrella of "cultural disregard".
The Prime Minister in his response then divides the issues, which the politician had lumped together, back apart again and addresses them separately:
1) he first indicates that in terms of cultural disregard, he'd need to discuss that with other ministries first. Anyone that follows politics should know that this is a politician's answer, deferring discussion to other people / another time. Probably because he is a boomer who doesn't know about games and social media that well ("to figure it out"), and who doesn't want to risk causing some sort of international dispute by mispeaking.
2) He then says "But graffiti on shrines?" before speaking very plainly in condemning THAT, specifically. Note the use of "but" when he introduces this part, because he's contrasting basically saying "I don't know, we'll need to figure it out" to the first part about games/social media, with the rest of his statement which is a full-throated condemnation about the shrine graffiti.
This really isn't hard.