Nah just read up on Robbie Bach and Moore. The plan was to launch a PS2 like system, subsidize it to make it affordable and sell as much as they could possibly produce. Bach and Moore hit a couple of walls, the biggest being the RROD that actually caused them to stop producing the systems for a short while untill a solution was found and that doesn't even cover the ammount of components that ended up in the garbage bin because of low yields. They pretty much lost the first year because of this and all because both were convinced that Sony would still launch PS3 in 2005 and the lack of info was just a scheme on Sony's part to catch Microsoft off guard... oops. Not to mention even the biggest Xbox fans were kinda pissed that Microsoft blew the head off their perfectly functioning Xbox and ported the remaining Xbox games(Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero) to the Xbox 360.RSLAEV said:After owning a Zune (ugh) and a 360 and watching Microsoft's behavior I get the feeling that success for Microsoft is just taking a decent sized share of the market away from your competitor and getting them to exhaust their resources by competing with you. I know they would have loved to have won the battle for the living room's entertainment hub, but I think their secondary objective was to split the market so that no one else would really win either.
The second problem was the line-up, the Xbox 360 had good games from the get go but other titles like GRAW and such got delayed. The system also didn't catch on in Europe right away so Microsoft had to slow down their bulldozer, recover from some setbacks and then Nintendo jumped in with their funny Wii thing and turned the entire market upside down. If Bach and Moore hit a homerun back in 2005 they would've locked the generation right there because in the long term it was obvious the Xbox 360 was here to stay and most of the deals with third parties like Epic were already in place at that time but the early days were painful.