Why, exactly? If SM3DW had such a small impact, it's pretty unlikely that MK8 or SSB will do vastly more for hardware sales.
I highly doubt that Nintendo will kill Wii U next year (though with the possibility of a significant change in management, I won't completely rule it out), but there's no good reason left to reserve judgment.
I think Smash and Kart are the bigger system sellers for them honestly, they have rabid fan bases and have broad appeal (especially Kart). HOWEVER, I also have this feeling that playing it soooooo safe with their games is going to continue to bite them next year. I just haven't convinced myself yet if that is true or not for Smash and Kart. Will people clamor for those games, or will they say eh I played that on the Wii and Smash is on the 3DS? They need a truly unique Nintendo title for 2014 and not just Zelda. The Wii U has really become a been there done that console and they have to prove why that is not the case, and another Donkey Kong, another Smash, another Kart, and another Zelda is not different enough. Wouldn't hurt if that title embraced the online world for once.
Ah, see you got me trying to talk myself out of it. 2014, make or break year. Standing behind it.....maybe.